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Withdrawal Funds Policy

How a Withdrawal Affects Financial Aid

联邦学生援助(FSA),也被称为财政援助或第四章资金,授予 假设学生将完成整个学期的课程和/或付款 period for which the funds were awarded.  When a student ceases attendance, officially 并且/或者非正式地,在一门课程中,无论什么原因,学生都可以不再 有资格获得最初授予的全额第四章基金. 

当学生退出所有课程,无论什么原因,他/她可以不再 有资格获得最初授予的全额联邦基金.  The return of 联邦政府的资金是建立在学生挣到钱的前提上的 助学金按学生在校时间长短的比例发放.  A pro-rated 时间表决定了他/她将获得的联邦学生援助资金的数额 at the time of full withdrawal.   For example, a student who withdraws in the second 一周的学生获得的经济援助比退学的学生少 in the fifth week.  一旦达到60分,学生将被考虑 已经获得所有最初授予的经济援助,并且不需要 to return any funds.

Financial aid that is processed for a student who never 任何课程的出勤率将被取消,所有资金将被退还 to the Department of Education.


  • Completely withdraws;
  • Stops attending before the semester’s end;
  • Fails all of their classes.

Earned versus Unearned Financial Aid Funding

如果学生正式或非正式地休学、旷课或受到行政处分 从PG电子官方免费下载退学,联邦法规要求我们计算金额 联邦第四章基金的一部分,这些基金是在学生就读的学期内获得的 longer attends.

赚取的百分比等于完成提款的日历天数 (官方的或非官方的)日期除以年历法的总天数 the semester/payment period.  Breaks of 5 days or longer are not included in the count 支付期的总天数,通常只发生在春季学期.


As a result of a withdrawal, students who received federal funds will be required to repay unearned aid. 还款计算是利用联邦政府的还款来进行的 worksheet see link below for access to the federal worksheet:

Determination of Withdrawal Date

当学生正式和/或非正式地完成学业时,就开始返还第四章资金 withdrawals from or stops attending courses. The withdrawal date used in the return 学生的联邦经济援助的计算是学生开始学习的日期 正式退学程序和/或学生通知他们的日期 wish to withdrawal.  如果学生在未通知PG电子官方免费下载的情况下停止上课, 退出日期为导师提交成绩时发布的日期.  这个日期正好是最后一次出勤的日期,也就是最后一次学习的日期 activity such as homework assignment, quiz, exam or graded paper.

Not Started

无论学生是否开始,教师都必须每学期报告 not begin attendance in a course. If a student does not begin attendance in a course, that course must be taken out of consideration for Title IV funds. The Title IV funds will be recalculated excluding that course. Depending on the remaining hours of registration, students may have their aid partially reduced or fully reduced. Students may also 应受第四章退货计算的影响,导致减少或取消 of Title IV aid.

不打算参加或将不参加课程的学生应 在学期开始前退课(或者,至少在100%之内) refund period) to avoid Title IV aid recalculation.

When a Student Fails All Classes

如果没有正式退出的经济援助接受者未能获得通过 在学期内至少选修一门课程,财政援助办公室将决定 学生是否确实有资格获得最初授予的资助.   教师将被联系并要求提供有关学生出勤的信息.  如果学生没有开始上课,或在付款期间停止上课, 原来授予的经济援助将被取消或调整.

Order of Return to Federal Aid Programs

根据联邦规定,不劳而获的援助将返还给联邦政府 学生退学后45天内的课程,顺序如下:

  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
  • Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
  • Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

Post Withdrawal Disbursement

如果学生在退学前没有收到所有的资金, a post-withdrawal disbursement may be due. If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes 贷款资金,必须经学生同意后方可发放. Snow 学院可以自动使用提款后的全部或部分款项 of grant funds for tuition, fees, and room and board charges. Permission is required 使用提取补助金后的款项支付所有其他学费. Students 会在申请后30天内收到提款资格通知吗 date of withdrawal determination. The school must return the Title IV funds within 45 days of the date the school determines the student withdrew.

Student notification of Repayment

学生有责任归还未获得的联邦财政援助资金、贷款 and grants, to the Department of Education. Snow College can return funds on the student’s 并随后将学生欠雪学院的任何余额记入账单 as a results of the Return of Title IV calculation. Notification reflecting outstanding 余额将邮寄和电子邮件给学生,提醒他们的财务状况 obligation.  学生的账户将被冻结,无法注册 for classes in the future.  A transcript hold will also be placed on the student’s account preventing them from obtaining a transcript.  Any and all debt collection 将采取措施确保这些资金及时返还.

How a Withdrawal Affects Future Financial Aid Eligibility

参考财政援助办公室满意的学术进步政策来确定 how a withdrawal impacts aid eligibility.

Additional Loan Information to Consider When Withdrawing

 如果学生超过6个月没有入学,至少有一半的时间,他们的贷款 will go into repayment. More specifically the student’s six (6) month grace period begins the day their enrollment status drops below half-time. The student must complete Exit Loan Counseling at and contact their servicer to make payment arrangements. Loans must be repaid by 贷款借款人(学生/家长),如借款人本票条款所述 note. 如果学生对他们的课程有疑问,应该联系服务人员 grace period or repayment status.


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